Got To Be NC | North Carolina Oysters
"On a given day, you will find Jimmy Morris on the phone, fielding questions about how to grow oysters and clams. Beginners to experienced growers stop to chat about challenges and expectations..."
"Jimmy Morris looks into the destroyed structure that was Mill Point Aquaculture clam hatchery of Morris Family Shellfish Farms in Sea Level. A fire erupted here early Sunday."
"James Morris woke up and thought it would be like any other Mother’s Day. Until, he received an urgent phone call from his father, Jimmy Morris, alerting him that their family business was engulfed in flames."
"Cozied inside a rich textured and tonal shell lies a portly bounty of an oyster...Sumptuous sugars float just beneath the surface and flow on the crisp, clean finish."
"The elevation is so low that native James Morris recalls waiting for the school bus wearing his fishing boots, because the tide had simply risen across the road. It still does."
"Jimmy Morris is the only hatchery in North Carolina, serving aquaculture operations all along the East Coast and the state’s oyster restoration program. ."
"We are ecstatic with the amount and quality of the larvae we've received from Jimmy," said Mike Remige, OHP coordinator. "This proves that we can use hatchery-raised oysters for restoration. But just as important, we are excited to be engaging private industry in our cooperative efforts."
Copyright © 2021 Morris Family Shellfish Farms - All Rights Reserved. Photo credits Jonathan Aguallo